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Country Director of Communications - India, International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON)

Swami Yudhistir Govinda Das

Hindu monk and the Country Director of Communications for ISKCON in India. He oversees public outreach efforts for 410 Hindu temples, cultural centres, 120 eco-villages, and 110 schools and skill development centres. Swami Yudhistir is dedicated to social welfare and leads a program that provides free meals to 1.2 million children daily in government-run schools across India. With a background in communications, journalism, and intellectual property law, he brings a wealth of knowledge to his position. Swami Yudhistir regularly engages with heads of state, religious leaders, scholars, journalists, and ambassadors on various themes and issues. He has organized festivals, round-table discussions, and deliberations that have attracted distinguished high-level guests. Passionate about the environment, Swami Yudhistir serves on ISKCON's Environmental initiative team and oversees a 525-acre eco-farm promoting self-sustainability initiatives and community engagement. Through his leadership, he strives to drive sustainable practices and spiritual values for the betterment of society and the planet.