
We are very pleased to welcome you to Porto.
Regional Director, United Religions Initiative for Africa

Mussie Hailu

Ambassador Mussie Hailu is a peacebuilder who is working at national, regional, and international levels promoting peace, reconciliation, interfaith harmony, disarmament, the Golden Rule (Treat others the way you want to be treated), world citizenship, right human relationships, and international cooperation for the preservation of the environment. He considers himself a Citizen of the World, believing strongly in the inter-dependence of human beings. He celebrates cultural diversity, seeing the differences in race, ethnicities, religions, politics, and nationalities as important elements of the one and indivisible humanity. He initiated the Golden Rule Day which is celebrated now in different parts of the world to foster human dignity, interfaith harmony, compassion, to counter violent extremism, hate speech and promote peaceful co-existences.

Mussie also served as Diplomat in the rank of Ambassador-at-Large and Special Envoy of the African Union Economic, Social and Cultural Council on the issue of interfaith and cultural affair. Currently, he serves as URI Representative at the African Union and United Nations Office in Africa.