
We are very pleased to welcome you to Porto.
First Bishop, Eparchy (Diocese) Our Lady of Lebanon of France and Apostolic Visitor for the Maronites in Europe

Maroun-Nasser El Gemayel

First Bishop of the Eparchy (Diocese) Our Lady of Lebanon of Paris for the Maronites of France since 2012 and Apostolic Visitor for the Maronites in Europe. Docteur d'Etat es Lettres and Human Sciences from the Sorbonne University of Paris since 1984, Professor in multiple universities as the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik and Lebanese University, He has authored 53 notable works, including the influential "Cultural Exchanges between the Maronites and Europe" in 1984, and has been an esteemed member of the Central Committee of the Maronite Patriarchal Synod.