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EU Special Envoy for Freedom of Religion and Belief outside of the EU

Franciskus (Frans) Van Daele

Ambassador Frans van Daele, a diplomat and Minister of State of Belgium and EU special envoy for promoting freedom of religion and belief outside of the EU. He served as Belgium's Ambassador to various nations and organizations throughout his distinguished career. With a master's degree in philosophy and arts, he maintained a keen interest in history and contemporary economic and political issues. Van Daele actively engaged in public discourse on foreign policy, European integration, and macro-economic developments. His extensive contributions included negotiating key treaties such as the Treaty of Nice and the Treaty of Lisbon, as well as coordinating European measures to combat terrorism post-9/11. Beyond diplomacy, he lectured at prestigious universities and collaborated on research projects concerning Belgian and EU foreign policy. He currently advises at Deloitte and holds numerous board positions, including with the University of Leuven and the Foundation Jean Monnet. He is a recipient of various Belgian and foreign honors for his outstanding service.